Our planet
The population on this planet is growing at an alarming rate. As the number of people increase, the amount of waste will grow accordingly. Waste disposal and how it’s dealt with will have to change as well.
Today, waste disposal containers throughout the world are a convenient and common method of disposing of waste. These containers often develop various problems and possible health risks to anyone in the surrounding area. Our company's liquid dispensing device will provide an automatic waste management service to mitigate many of the problems directly related to waste containers worldwide.
For more information about investing in this fast growing business, please
send an email to request an investor deck or more information to:
Shield Devices - President & CEO
Email - eric@shielddevices.com
Phone (206) 226 - 4587
Shield Devices - Vice President
Email - monica@shielddevices.com
Phone (310) 383 – 9502
Made in the United States